The Crucible and “Bad news becomes hysteria in crowds, new research shows”

Professor Thomas Hills from the University of Warwick’s Department of Psychology, commented
“It also shows that the more people share information, the further that information gets from the facts and the more resilient it becomes to correction.”
Professor Thomas Hills said that people it’s constantly sharing news that are based on other opinion. Which made that people uniform and think that the world is in hysteria, when in real isn’t. It’s just people making the news much bigger that their actually are.
That’s why people need to get themselves inform before give a opinion of a topic. That’s why when you are/were in school teacher said to you “search for information before you do your work”. It’s because social media, and some people just have others opinion not the real information of what is happening.
Just like the famous Arthur Miller, he wrote about real problemas that’s was happening on his era. And while he wrote his play he also show the world how people can make a change and how important is to care about it and be well inform.
For example, when we were on the pandemic of covid-19 news were very contradicted. They didn’t know how much people were dying or what was the condition of the hospitals. That’s why you need to do your own research to formulate your own opinions to explain it to others.

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